Embroidery and prints - Bring your own item of clothing

We can embroid & apply prints to clothing items that you provide:

  • Larger Embroidered logo with optional name above (around 85mm wide - used on our t-shirts & hoodies - $12 each

  • Smaller Embroidered logo (around 60mm wide - used on our beanies) - $12 each

  • Screen printed A4 size Inspire south island logo with words “ Be inspired by dance” below - $12 each

  • Screen print: The words “Inspire” and “Be inspired by dance” now show the colour of the hoodie through the words instead of having black fill (this style of logo is recommended for darker colours as it looks better)

Delivery time:

  • 1-2 weeks from receipt of payment, Collection is available from our Tuesday/Thursday night classes. If it is an urgent order, please let us know so that we can talk to our supplier


  • Available via internet banking - details will be shown once you submit your order (this account is different to our monthly class payments)

Other information:

  • Acceptable materials for embroidery & prints include: cotton & cotton with elastane - please contact us if you have any queries

  • Inspire Modern Jive accepts no responsibility for damage to personal items provided to us